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EZDRM's Olga Kornienko Talks Benefits of Multi-Cloud DRM

Learn more about DRM and live streaming at Streaming Media West 2022.

蒂姆Siglin: 欢迎回到流媒体东2022,这里是马萨诸塞州波士顿威斯汀科普利酒店. 今天我们有很多不同的客人,但没有人真正谈论数字版权管理. So we're gonna turn to one of the DRM experts in the industry. 奥尔加,谈谈你自己和你的公司是做什么的.

Olga Kornienko: I am Olga Kornienko. I am the COO and Co-Founder of EZDRM [http://ezdrm.com]. We are the hosted managed cloud DRM service. 我们从2003年开始运营,是最早的drm即服务提供商.

蒂姆Siglin: You were on a panel here just a minute ago. What was the panel?

Olga Kornienko: 该小组讨论了扩展现场活动以及从商业角度考虑的所有事情, from a technical perspective. And I guess the few primary key takeaways were, 考虑你的参数并使用AI来预测事件的未来可能会带来什么, 部分原因是,你可能期望有500人,但你得到了500万, 或者反过来,你期望得到100万,结果得到500. How do you adjust for that with technology value and what-not?

蒂姆Siglin: That makes sense. And then what about the security aspects of live events? 因为很明显,这是一个非常非常大的问题,不仅仅是身份验证,还有真正的DRM.

Olga Kornienko: So it's actually interesting. For the longest time we came across a lot of people who said, “嗯, it doesn't really matter if we have DRM on a live event," which is kind of shocking to me, but the logic of those people was more around the fact that, “嗯, 这是一次性的事情,最终事件会结束,这将是结束." But with that said, 考虑到所有的盗版服务,这是一件很有趣的事情, if the event is not protected, they get stolen and can be rebroadcast by somebody else. 上帝保佑你的活动不会出现问题, and now all these people are looking for an alternative source. 或者,如果, for some reason, 有些人认为盗版网站更便宜,因为它可能更便宜. Once you lose eyeballs off the live event, you lost the eyeballs and getting them back is much harder. And going back to the panel, 有趣的是,从你必须知道会发生什么的角度来看,为大型活动扩展DRM服务是非常困难的. 大多数连接到现场活动的人通常在一开始就连接. So you will probably have a massive spike. So knowing what to expect, if it's gonna be a 500-person event or a 5 million-person event, is super-important. 如果一家流媒体公司可以看到观看时间,以及随着事件的进展,所有人都在联系,那么就可以使用DRM, it's usually spiking right in the beginning. And then slowly.

蒂姆Siglin: That makes sense. 所以,很多cdn会说,“对于我们正在做的大多数活动,我们有能力. 我们不必担心多drm解决方案或多cdn解决方案.“但你也提到,对于DRM,你必须考虑到这些事件的规模. 看这个视频的人应该知道的是什么, if they're going to have DRM on their live event, 如果这是一场大型的现场活动,他们需要从规划的角度给像你们这样的公司?

Olga Kornienko: Well, a big chunk of it is talking to your providers. 显然,如果这是一个大型活动,那么人们可能会说,“嘿,你们准备好了吗?" But at the end of the day, 拥有像我们这样的公司,如果你有一个小问题——没有人是完美的, 每个人都有——我们在多云环境中工作,如果云a下降了, then cloud B can always pick up the slack, having a infrastructure that's multi-geo. And on top of that, 我们在处理实时事件时所做的就是将服务器负载控制在40%左右. 如果我们看到我们的基础设施中发生了一些事情,服务器负载开始增加, we can pre-emptively add more servers. And this, way we don't have to worry about the server load. 如果有大型事件发生,我们可以立即解决. 在云环境中,你可以预先构建和读取它们,然后打开它们. It takes five, seven minutes to address something like that.

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